Just got back from Camp Hollywood! It was great, the dancers were ridiculous, crazy amounts of good dancers everywhere. I got to see lots of my friends from San Fran (Orhan, Grace, Jeff, Arnold..) It was great to see everyone!
The competitions were so incredible to watch! While I didn't do that hot in the Jack n Jill, it's all good, (I ended up 21 of 58) oh well.. not bad considering it was the first real dancing i've done since I hurt my back... maybe I can redeem myself at ILHC...
There are more pictures on other peoples camera's... so hopefully I get those and can post them.
The gang did some sight seeing. Went to the Tar pits! and saw Ryan Seacrest in his Bentley Convertible driving right next to us (in Charlies Mustang convertible hehe) so that was funny. And of course made it to the beach and ate at In and Out. Other than that.. 4 straight nites of dancing till 4am (which means I was up till 7am east coast time).. so yeah.. I'm EXHAUSTED... I know I know.. Kelly actually is tired... BUT with that said.. TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!! Sooooo... damnit.. I'm going to CCB because I want to dance.. what else is there to do on my birthday??
and to top it all off.. I start my brand new job in the morning... should be interesting...